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Tuesday, March 30, 2004 Blur BLobEither age is catching up w me (think it has caught me) or i m truly a blur blob inside out... Actualli forgot abt the significant day of 3rd April 2004 (Sat). First on agenda: HE/SS/NE Committee mtg in the morn 2nd : Brownie LEader pre-camp training 9-5pm 3rd: Brownies East Division Day 9-12.30pm All 3 activities somewat slipped my mind till i checked my hotrmail and found the mail fr guide house in the junk email folder...and hence the sudden flood of memories. Juz read mich and audz's blog...haven been updating w them...hope and praying dat they r alrite...been praying a lot (strangely) so if u r reading dis my darlings...u r in my prayers. Also bought the book "THe Purpose-driven Life" by Rick Warren. Coz mum;s reading it and she;s been saying it is realli gd so i tot wat the heck..will give it a try in reading christian lit. Must follow through...*keeping fingers crossed* k sleepydog mentioned my blog is not moving ebouff...wat do u wan?lol sex, drugs rock and roll?=) Say i realli wanna go aus to c u....actualli i wanna get out of Spore and not go to Msia....real tempting...hmmm..
Sunday, March 28, 2004 The PassionThe short icq exchange b/w mich and me sparked off some thoughts abt the movie. Was asking her if she's interested in catching te show...(sorrie audz...tot it mite not be advisable to watch the show w my god child)...and i got rejected w good reasons. Sets me thinking coz it was not realli a choice for me fr the start. Firstly, elison wans the whole cell to catch it. So i didnt realli need to think much abt choosing to watch or not...besides being a movie buff, anything dat stands out like dat will definitely appeal to me. The onli concern i had was my squirmishness...coz i cant look straight at the screens for any remotely violent scenes. Recent egs being LOTR (all 3)...whenever they feature head cutting, sword-swishing, dagger-stabbing...saving pte ryan - obvious....i didnt actualli finish the film, the last samurai, kill bill.....and the likes. U get the pic. Tink mebbe the reason y i wanna watch it..besides the somewat compulsory thing was that i wanna look squarely at something that realli happened and know in my heart the intensity of the sacrifice. I rem unstoppable tears coming down when i was at a gd friday service w the powerpoint of jesus gg to the cross....the same powerpoint slides taht were circulated thru email some long time back. That made me come back to the Lord... I rem reading the doctor's take on the act of cruxification. Every breath dat He took while hanging there, each time his lungs inflat w air, his whipped back grazed agst the rough wood, his head of thorns get pierced in further when he laid his head back agst the stake, his wounds in his nailed hands and legs get aggravated by every slight lift of his body. I want to watch the movie...to let myself get the full pic of wat happened more than 2000 years ago, to remind myself never ever do anything that will crucify my precious Lord again. On the lighter side of things, managed to catch up w david afetr so long. Let him in on things that r happening...and i tink he's having a field of a time juz by listening. His 100% God 100% man theory seems quite true. So i think rite now he's doing his 20% man effort for me...hahaha. Well, anyway i knoe he doesnt read dis blog. Fantastic music playing on 95 rite now. Dido, chris issak....gonan be a cool nite lazing ard now dat i have completed my work review. Oh..forgot my half-pile of essays...back to work.
Thursday, March 25, 2004 Strange how sometimes when u ask for smthing....a sign and stuff...things do happen but it aint gg to be ur way. REalised lots of things today...lol...juz by listening and being a quiet observer.Well...guess not everything u tot works out well for u. K God i hope i m getting ur hint correctly. kInda disappointed but oh well...wat can i do? Best to leave all in His hands. HAving dis debate in my head abt r/s and how we have our own 'standards' and stuff. The top most problem seem to be spirituality of the person. I m kinda in a dilemma. As much as we r not to judge ppl, it goes without saying dat the partner u look for mus have a certain degree of knowing God and being "holy"- gg church, serving. Was talking to mich briefly the other time when we went out and she's alrite w someone who is a christian and prob someone more like her in terms of church-gg stuff... How much simpler things wld hav been, i thought. Kinda a double standard when i find godly men v v attractive and yet i m not there myself. And there aint gonna be any chnace a godly man will cast his eyes/heart on someone lesser than him. Which brings to my point dat well i m stuck. LOL. So its juz gonna be look, see but cant touch. Another thing dats on my mind is my ministry area. Now dat church is gg G12, i cant seem to find an area which i can minister to. Kids, teens or wat? i realli need help to decide...haven been able to hear anything fr Him. I realli wanna do smthinfg, get down to serving and stuff...can rem those times of the past when i was up there and doing things..rather den a bench-warmer. tink this escalates the urgency of mtg elison so i can hav some godly counsel. Can sense my heart is tender now towards Him and i realli wanna get out of my comfort zone. YEt nothing seems to be moving...mebbe i juz need directions, some help, some push towards the correct direction. Anyway, think ppl rem my tan more than me. Shank juz commented via icq today dat he was reminded of me when he saw jasmine on American Idol. Not dat i m not happy...coz i tink shes GORGEOUS!LOL...any compliments...i juz grab =) Second person alreadi...whooo whee! Cant imagine i will fall asleep while watching American Idol...must have been so zonked out mentalli. Reason y i aint online these nites r also coz i totalli crash at nite...like now.. Lord Most High From the ends of the earth (From the ends of the earth) Asus2 A From the depths of the sea (From the depths of the sea) Bm From the heights of the heavens (From the heights of the heavens) G D/G G Your name be praised D Dsus2 D From the hearts of the weak (From the hearts of the weak) Asus2 A From the shouts of the strong (From the shouts of the strong) Bm From the lips of all people (From the lips of all people) G D/G G A This song we raise, Lord D G A A7sus4 Throughout the endless ages D G A A7sus4 Bm G Asus4 A You will be crowned with praises, Lord Most High D G A A7sus4 Exalted in every nation D G A A7sus4 Sovereign of all creation Bm G Asus4 A G D G Lord Most High, Be magnified
Sunday, March 21, 2004 The Good, the Bad & the UglyThe Good: funny how i managed to miss gg for the scan and potential lunch w shank coz of my runnys but met J on my way to church. Finalli managed to intro to each other tho we have known each other's existence. Tok abt his bald head...lol...and i complimented him for a cool head shape. And best of all...realised he's single!=) The Bad: weird that in juz one day i spent so much money....cab back and to the airport to meet the kids den stuff there and trip back...was actualli quite pissed that i was kinda taken for a ride but as i was brushing my teeth juz now, God jus spoke to me. If i was realli their mother, will i be reluntact to bail them out? Guess i need to grow more in that area...anyway, not mad anymore. Juz hav to eat less the next few days. The Ugly: Well...i dunno wat to write for this point..lol. Juz tot it was a cool title. Hmm...wondering how mark's doing at cambodia. He;s supposedly gonna be back to aus on sun/mon. No emails from him so feeling quite bored. School's starting soon and i m still at ground zero...so dat aint a gd feeling either. Been pondering abt my area of ministry...prob hav to talk abt dat and other stuff when i meet elison next week. Asked HG abt the tutoring thing. Still tinking...brain tired. Tried to be hospitable today to chris' frens and deb's one too. Tot i did well...guess i ll slowly get the swing of it back. But for now, its my Smelly and mattress!
Saturday, March 20, 2004 Pieces of April...Hav a confession to make b4 i say anything else...yup..guilty pleasures: i caught havana nites again for who else but diego...sigh...lol.. gosh i hav no life! CAme back fr Pieces of April...find the movie extremely touching and humorous...yet some parts u feel u wun not dare to laff... Do checkit out...its realli good...simple story abt a dysfunctional family and a bad mother-daughter relationship. Feeling v tired....almost forgot abt the appt audz is having w her gynae tom...10 am...hope i can wake up in time. Originally planned to go back to sch to finish up my unit ws...*planned is the word; actual action is well..* Judging fr the time now...stands 1.36am...tink i m crashing soon. Hols r nearly over and i hav not done watever i wanted to do...watever dat is. This is sucky....*&^$#@@$%%^#$ Plus the fact dat i did not get enuff rest....reasons unknown. Onli highlight of the day is when someone said dat i look like the jasmine on american idol. Know we r so far apart but heck...if someone gives u a compliment u take it yeah? LOL...juz the nose and mouth according to dat particular somebody, Anyway, this person mite not be as reliable to. Dun care, gonna milk every ounce of whooooness from the compliment..=)
Sunday, March 14, 2004 BRing it on!Cant help but to surf to the Dirty Dancing2: Havana Nites....lol...for obvious reason... DIEGO LUNA!!!!!(k pardon the real bad name...his face shld save the day!) It was so soothing on a real bad friday...so i tot i let u all in on smthing droolsome...hee *gushgush* oh and i hav some stuff to clear up regarding my last blog entry... the kids did realli badly in their exams dis time coz it was a tough paper...but it aint the reason y i rewarded them...nor is the choice of the reward an issue (a 1 for 1 pizza when divided by 36 kiddos = $1 per kid...pricey?mebbe...me rich...no) it was coz i was touched by the enthusiasm they showed whenever they obeyed the task and rules and procedures...and i m not taking them for granted. imagine u r a P4 kid and dis silly teacher tells u to rest ur head on the darn table when she says "No. 4"....for one, i wld tink its real silly. But the fact was, this whole class of do dos do it...and at total obedience. Mebbe they havent realised its silly...i dunno...but i aint gonna ask them. Second, it will be quite unfair if i juz reward the grp w the most points coz the poinst were pretty close and personalli, i feel they all did their best given their various weaknesses. So at the expsense to give them a pat on every one of their backs, i tot pizza was a cheap alternative compared to stationary or any other stuff..which they could hav obtained of much better quality. THe other issue abt rewards. Yes, it is not exactly wise to reward them w tangible gifts and such...but dat does not mean that verbal praise and encouragement was totalli lost....in my class or in terms of their value in buidling up a child. Bottomline...it was a long term 1 and it was MUFTI day...i tot i juz chill out and give them a gd time. No motives watever...they like and enjoy it...gd..if they dun...i dun give a hoot coz it was fr my heart. GEnerousity..and i m not ashamed to say dis abt myself...is a big part of me. I love spending on ppl i care...it doesnt matter who pays first or whether i get the money back later...piper can attest to the fact that i do ask for money back...in desperate times!lol And of coz there were times i hav been blessed..so much more den wat paltry sum i hav given in love and kind. Oh yah..if i haven paid u back..like auddie..remind me...beginning to realise more and more the sensitive issues regarding money...which were then not at all apparent to me b4... The reason for dis entry...y i m bothering to clear dis up is coz i dun wan ppl to have a wrong view of who i m...wat values i wanna teach...coz I try to be one who ppl can see some form of God in me. Coz i m a Christian..someone touched by God and willing to walk in His testimony...And the word is "try" coz i m far fr it... I m more and more convinced dis career path is a calling fr the Big Guy...and at times when i m vulnerable and tested, i remind myself how i ended up there in the first place. Soemtimes i need real ppl to come and give me a pat on the back and say "Job well done"... In summary, as i writing dis, its not outta anger or frustration. BAsicalli i tink its for myself...as a sorta thinking process abt who i m and y am i here. Been having a real tough time @ work...things and info not communicated to me coz i m neither a p4 nor p5 tecaher but an in-between...loss of such identity...being left forgotten for quite a few times hav realli drained me and affected how i do my work...even as i try in my spirit to say its situational...not personal. Snide remarks abt y do we even bother to hav staff gatherings when we r not AT ALL interested thrown at u...when u r *helplessly* in the welfare committee...having a supe (realise i m still under the old one...somehow but dunno y) dat do not play an active part in telling me stuff i shld know...a tentative but nice supe who tries to help but also doesnt knoe much coz the hiearchical system is barring her fr obtaining info unless its a for ur info and action thing. Last but not least, i hav been blessed tremendously by God. ANd at the end of it all, He is faithful and is always good. Learning to walk w Him...thru it all...truly madly nadir if not for Him. Stillness of the moment... Funny how these few days my feelinsg hav been fluatuating up and down....more down den up actualli coz i hav been so tired and drained. Was feeling particularly so todae...but when i got to sch for brownies, OW was feeling tired too so it seemed i had to perk the girls up a lil. COz i know if the two of us r flat, the mtg wil be realli bad and boring. Straight after CCA, there's the staff gathering thing to tink of. Lost and won one game each...realised badminton aint my kinda game...and of coz learnt how the scoring system works. Plus, i got to learn how to make beaded bracelets....kinda enriching but when i left sch, i was still feeling flat (i dun mean chest size btw). When no. 1 and vp tried to joke w me and stuff, they got dull answers...lol...oh well. Cant seem to be able to do work...cant function properly...has been for dis whole week. So glad i made it for service...i realli needed Him more than anything else. BEen thinking a lot and feeling alot and haven been able to find someone to share and process w...everything's kinda cooped up inside and its all bursting rite now. POured out all dat i had upon HIm...and felt so relieved, released and refreshed. It;s been a while since i had ever felt dis lonely...thank God He's ard @ all times. ANyway, got told by mrs chong she needs info on my china-boy zexi coz the psychologist at Nanyang pri actualli emailed VP to ask for his behavioural history. Seemed like he must have been a handful for the Gifted program teachers. GAve some feedback..watever i cld rem...cept for the case where he pulled dat stunt. Didnt feel right to put it in...know wat i mean? Hope its a good decision. Trying to get some rest b4 my 3-day camp...now thinking abt it it aint all dat bad. Hope it stays dis way...
Saturday, March 13, 2004 BAffledI never knew dat i was in sensitive and blur abt things...but i never saw it coming. HAd our mufti day today and it was realli cool till after all the pomp, R asked to tok to me outside the staff rm. Apparently he has heard dat the kids think we r competing w each other and they r kinda confused coz they hav so many teachers for diff subjects. Said dat he was a frank person and everything,,,so decided to tok to me. DIdnt expect my liking for dat class will lead to these misunderstanding...kinda pissed at first coz i realli didnt mean it to be so. I didnt ask to put my "mailbox" thing on the noticeboard,.,,the kids did. Now i tink i better juz stick to reading their journals. anyway i went back to class straight and took out my mailbox. It didnt help matters when i ordered pizzas for them to reward them for their effort. This was done obviously b4 i knew wat was gg on. Gosh i m so dense. No wonder a few days ago, when i joked i am adopting the class, he gave a rather curt remark dat te class is his and its not up for adoption. Shld hav sense dat smthing was amiss...but i didnt. I dat it was coz i didnt hav a form class and since i spend a lotta time w them , they naturalli became "owned" by me in a sense. Now i m told the kids r thinking both of us wanna "own' them at the same time...and r comparing teachers...blah blah.... Not smthing dat i wanna hear...blissfulli i tot everything was nice and rosy... CAnt help but feel darn *&^%$ abt it...not blaming R of coz...can understd where he's coming fr. Yet cant help the *&^%% feeling inside. Fr now on i juz go in and teach amd touch lives if poss...and dats it. Hate the burden of thinking wat wil happen when i do stuff etc etc...a line dat i said jokingly in class was misinterpreted...how bad can u get? HAte things dat make my head swell...for the wrong reasons.... Hwne thikngs could get even lower, the materials i got fr the guide house todae belonged to a guide guider instead of brownie ldr. BEST! **^&%$## K..will watch the lang...juz a not so gd day in an ordinary life of an ordinary teacher. Hghlight of the day?not strutting like an SQ stewardess (many saw whoo quite nice...even scm ask me y i didnt consider it. DUH?!) its lugging ard this 5kg bag of useless books and materials which madem y arm numb. And flashing my purple undies coz of my flimsy skirt wheni tried to get this 5kg bag into the car. think joy...joy....
Thursday, March 11, 2004 DreamsHow come it seems like everyone's been having dreams...cept for me?sigh...i m nt sleeping enuff....how to even have a dream?=P Sounds like i have been missing out a lot too...fr my two darlings' lives....oh welll...at least i still manage to read their blogs. Was down w sniffles yez...hate being sick and yet not able to rest coz gotta rush lousy IT lesson plan. Realise i dun hav any thinking skills for the lesson. HOW? My kids r not thinking!!*gasp* Feel my sick phase is coming back....hope its not true...dat i m thinking too much.. been popping vit c pills (those kind dat r also supposed to relieve stress) but it doesnt looklike they work. Mebeb shld try vit B complex stuff....heard they do wonders. Hmm my godson;s gonna be called jonathan?cool...so far name is unspoilt yet. Some names r not meant to be taken for ur kids...any consequences u bear the responsibility! Names such as ryan, brandon, blandon (yeah the parents and sons aint hav any taste at all!), zavier, zaniel...basicalli names starting w 'z' THe jonathans dat i vaguely knoe r fr church...seemingly active leaders so dats a gd sign. Think one of them is a genius @ guitar but (sadly) attached...lol...and the other fits the bill of the big sized guys sporty type. Have a nice head shape too...realised it coz today he came w shaven head. Not a bad eg to follow yeah? My god son...Jonathan. Cant be any cooler.=) In the end i decided to go for the sanctification thing @ church...looked totalli crashed...stil am now...nursing dis dull headache but i tot i wanna blog b4 these slip outta my mind. Funny how smtimes u go for smthing and u aint prepared for anything...God can still touch u and change smthing in ur heart. Cant rem when was the last time i cried when i rem the cross....till juz now... I m still dumbstruck....but i aint gonna forget wat it means... Dunno if i can stomach 'the passion of christ'.....the jesus tape was enuff to make me squirm and tear...cant imagine how i will be like for the movie. But still kinda anticiating it...esp after today's trailer in church. 2 gals cried today afetr receiving their results. Sigh...feel abd ever tho i know its not my fault. Tried to comfort them..poor gals. The EL paper was realli tough...to an extent. Anyway, onli onr boy hit B1....and he proved dat empty vessels aintthe onli ones making the most noise. Science...hahhaa...miracle 5 passes....outta 25. DIdnt expect anything so....guess it shld be gd enuff. So much things to do...analysis...rush rush....was practicalli on the edge yez coz themarker wasnt ard to return my papers!?! I got realli freaky and pissed...now i can onli go thru tom and make them do corrections and give them back. URGHHH....NO TIME!!! Tom another session @ church and poss fri need to go dwn Guide house to get materials for camp...yeah...camp on mon to wed....kill me pls. The feelinh of dread is growing....ever increasingly as the day draws near. March hols wil be gone in no time and i wun get rest....i realli need to sleep...uninterrupted for long....like 7 hours at one go. k...if i blabble sm more, i gonna lost my usual 5 hours of sleep!
Sunday, March 07, 2004 God's Rhema WordGenesis 12:1-4 God told Abram to leave for the land He's gonna bless him with and Abram left his hometown in Mesopotamia. Along the way, they needed to pass HAran, a properous trading area to reach the land of Canaan. THe inevitable happened. Abram stopped over at HAran and ended up settling there for several years before God gave him a second calling to move on to the promised land. POints to learn: 1) Partial obediance Stopping at Haran wasnt Abram;s calling and destiny. The land of Canaan is. PArtial obedience deemed worse than disobedience as we often do not know we r stopped from fulfilling our destiny, esp when we get so comfortable and richly blessed dat we tarry there. There's no room for lukewarmness - be hot or not. 2) A second calling WHen God called Abram in Genesis, it was in actual fact the second time dat He has spoken to Abram. Imagine being put on hold by Abram as he tarries in HAran. WHen He calls again...listen and obey. 3) Take the first step The word says,"So Abram left" says its all....he took the step and walked. It spoke to me richly, right in the heart. QUite surprising since it was 8 plus in the morn and i had less den 4 hours of sleep. Celebration Woo...and what do u know? Mybro is a genius....okie...a smartie pants! Dis disgusting fella scored 3 As and 1 B for his As....in the true yu family tradition...ie like his sister..smhow he managed to score c5 for his GP even tho he has never gotten dat grade b4...gives ME a deja vu feeling. Anyway...so proud of him and my sis...how they managed to pull thru....both r kinda in the vital stage of their lives where they decide wat they want their life to be. Scary aint it? I mean, i kinda stumbled upon this path all the way since my Os. Firstly, decided not to join piper and frens to TJC and ventured on my own to VJ...den mass com was way out for me and stumbled upon Bizad...and while looking for a marketing job...i ended up selling education to kiddos. Hows dat for being cool? Tink the Big Guy is realli gracious to have led me thru....been telling myself its a calling by constant reminders dat i did not juz get the job on my own credit...smhow there was divine intervention. THe 8 min interview for the CL teacher post...miraculously one of the few to switch to an EL position....the practicum...which tested my confidence or rather my trust in Him severely.....many times i juz wanna give up...but He spurred me on. And dis is the word i got...dat i dun move unless God tells me to move. So i m staying put at the place He has thus far planted me. anyway, juz came back fr the movies w bro and sis...had a gd dinner @ Ponderosa courtesy of my aunt...and den caught Timeline. Interesting realli...time travel and stuff...skipped service today but gg for one tom morn w my family. Funny..when i sms elison abt my fam dinner thing (rather last min i must add), she sounded rather pissed. How can one sound pissed via sms? i juz kinda sensed it thru the wording..mebbe its me..ultra-sensory. Disclaimer: Npt 100% accurate Anyway...not my fault. Mum juz told me it was a dinner thing dis morn...all the while i tot it was a lunch deal. BAck to sch...CAs r over...supposed to be getting back the papers. my P4s did quite badly for their compos..and el paper...it was quite tough...and i tink the new rubric for compo marking killed many of them. Plus the fact dat i tink their marker was a lil strict and there was the abolishmt of the double-marking scheme. dun wanna kick upa big fuzz so accepted wat i was given..after some discussion w ram. Tried to get marker to relook but ended up w the new rubric on my table. Anyway...luckily no feathers unruffled...now juz have to tink of ways to motivate my class....and boost their low morales. Quite sweet when i heard theywantedme to go w them on the wed botanic gardens trip...plus the other 4F class.... Dat class is sooooooo talkative! i had to make them put a finger to their lips the whole SS period so i can enjoy silence thru out. Lost much time preaching abt behaviour alreadi...cant take their nonsence... Thus i tot i was much hated....oh well..seems like they wan me to go w them as well...weird bunch of kids! THe other 6C class was juz pissing me off w their dun-care attitude..esp dis boy len..he's truly testing my patience and tolerance. Watever grace and iamge i had was all lost dis tue when i screeched at them.....and I DUN CARE!!! So wat if it's juz HE? I m trying my darnest to show them stuff...urgghhh... anyway not angry anymore... Some thoughts...was watching trista's wedding on tv...yeah i knoe i m a sucker.....well...it wasnt all the grand stuff....definitely noit the pinky thingys....butmhow i had a quiet wish in my heart they willl last. Its kinda like if they did den i will truly believe love like dis exists....b/w a man and a woman. W God it was easy in the sense dat He had forst loved us. Anyway, smhow i long deep down to look into the man in my life and read a sonnet to him meaning every word dat i say.....yeah...thoughts...they always come to u late in the night. Tinking seriously whether to go for the diving course trip w piper....somthing i had wanna do but put off coz of my fear of water. Smhow the last Sibu trip gave me a sparkle of courage to wanna try....guess it will be way cooler den juz snorkelling yeah? dat will hav to be in the june hols....hoping my leg scars will fade a lil so i can don swimming gear and get the sun. I hav always been so conscious abt them...and they r one of the reasons i hated gg swimming in sec sch...or skirts aint realli my type. Been overcoming it bit by bit....still need lotsa work there. oh well...tink dats enuff for the nite....mebbe i hav said too much...
Tuesday, March 02, 2004 MIADidnt realise that i haven been blogging...been bogged down by work as usual. LAst weekend was also packed with the G12 conference...fri nite....sat full day and sun service. By the time i got back home after the service, i was so zonked i hit the sack immediately. It was realli gd despite the fact that i wasnt realli prepared to go for the conference. As in spiritually not prepared. Physically i was supposed to be there. In reality...my mind was so concussed i dun tink i caught much, habitualli dozing off after every few sentences. Even Ps Khong's loud preaching voice could not shake me fr my sleep. Never knew dat i m capable of the following: 1) Fall asleep tho' butt is at the edge of the seat. Could feel my head swing slightky backwards....so embarrassing. 2) Look (literally) like a zombie dat every..i mean EVERY single one dat i meet asks me whats up w me. Tink if u wake up ard 530 in the wee hours of the morning and had to work till 7 and rush down to the conference, believe me! You will find urself the very replical of a raccoon!Sigh 3) 'snatched' a cab from the foreign delegates so urs truly can go home to sleep. Actualli didnt fight k....i booked the cab. Jus dat they didnt knoe and got on MY cab and the driver kinda told them its on call. Cyn wanted to give the cab to them...i was like "GOSH I M ALMOST DEAD AND U WANNA TAKE MY CAB AWAY?!%$#@#@$*" Yeah...needless to say, i was EVIL and got on MY cab and speeded off to the safety of my bed. Besides hunger, tiredness makes me mad too!Beware! 4) Doze off while standing during prayer time....not at our seats...i was down at the prayer area in indoor stadium. TOether with a huge crowd of youths....and halfway i retreated back to sit down coz my legs were turning to jello! Geez....ironic i m still with the youths! Anyway, had a nice surprise on sat nite when i came home.Received a box from shank. HE sent the saris which i jokingly asked him to get..so sweet! Haven managed to thank him...dats how busy i m. Or procrastinaty...if there's ever a word liddat. Got a sweet letter fr him inside too....=) Bro is better.....even managed to go dwn for service w us....mum me sis and him. Quite sweet and looking forward to the day my whole family can go church together. Despite being tired, managed to be filled w the holy spirit...and feeling much alive again. NEver danced/bounced so much in my life b4....since the youth days.... Now suffering frm aching calves which means i aint gg hip hop.... k...got marking to do... work work work....
nadir...loves Big Guy, dad-mum-sis-bro-granz, donkey, audz-ben-abby-shalom,
plugged to donkey's ipod in the cararchives 11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002 links Audz taggie
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