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Tuesday, April 11, 2006 Attended the second funeral in 6 months...this time, it is for a little boy who was lost and decided against hope to give up on his life.I trust the Lord's comfort and peace will be upon his entire family as well as people who had cared for him. It pains me to see pastor hg and the guys go thru this a second time, this time even tougher than b4 given the nature of the death. I can only pray but I know my prayers will be answered because He knows and He cares. I want... Heart of love to feel the tug when someone does not know my God and Saviour. Eyes of faith to see He will help me thru..esp my assignment right now@12.10am. Mind to be filled with His promises and truth. Feet to be planted firmly on His word and walk in His light. Hands to bless and also to be open and surrendered to Him. Mouth to praise Him @ all times and to mutter prayers for ppl who r grieving right now. Come Holy Spirit City Harvest Church - (The Cross) " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " " Come Holy Spirit, fall on me now. . . I need your anointing, come in your power . . . I love you Holy Spirit, You're captivating my soul And everyday I grow to love you more Chorus: I'm reaching for your heart You hold my life in your hands Drawing me closer to you I feel your power renew Nothing compares to this place Where I can see you face to face I worship you in Spirit and in truth
Sunday, April 02, 2006 StretchedIsaiah 54 2 "Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 3 For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities. Felt prompted to blog as i can feel so stretched when glancing at the organiser. Deadlines to meet, outreach to organise, people to inform...i feel myself thinning like a stretched rubber band. Thought maybe blogging it out will ease the tension a little, much like taking the chance to talk to God. Need to finish setting my paper by this week, then rush over the weekend to settle my English assignment due on wed, prc kids outreach on fri, educational enquiry test on thurs...leader's meeting this wed, outreach planning meeting this sat, lessons on tue... Marking overdue and stacking... I have to remind myself that I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. If you are reading this, do remember to whisper a short prayer for me. I really need it.
nadir...loves Big Guy, dad-mum-sis-bro-granz, donkey, audz-ben-abby-shalom,
plugged to donkey's ipod in the cararchives 11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002 links Audz taggie
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