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Saturday, June 30, 2007 Does anyone find this song familiar? Was discussing this with joan last night and managed to find the title of the Brazilian soap opera we caught when we were 5 years old? Amazing!
Wednesday, June 27, 2007 Deal or No DealSomeone sent me this website and I'm getting hooked on it!Help! Labels: Game
Sunday, June 24, 2007 Check this out, all patriotic Singaporeans!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007 Realised after surfing online that many people put up comments and afterthoughts about things happening in the world, for instance, the NKF trial or simply responses to issues in the news. And here I am blogging about my impending holiday getaway and artistic inclinations. SHALLOW...this is the word I see hanging above my head in caps, complete with neon lighting. In a bid not to show my unconcern for this world we live in, basically this lil red dot we are stuck in, I decided that the post for today will be the July GST Hike. Let me get my facts and thoughts right. 7% in July huh? I did not feel the impact of the rise until I was dining with the gals one day and the bill came up to about a hundred, which means the 3% GST amounted close to 4 bucks. According to my limited everyday Math, 7% is slightly more than twice of 3%, hence logically thinking, it will come up to more than 8 bucks should it be in July. That equates to one week-day movie ticket, 4 plates of wanton mee (or 3 plates if you like coupled with a canned drink) or a complete two-way trip to Expo for Sunday church service. No wonder Singaporeans are going crazy grabbing purchases during this sale season. Maybe I am a little slow on the uptake. That also explains why my mum is so insistent on buying my sis's laptop before this month runs out. See, I can do this. Comment on the world's happenings through the eyes and perspective of a lil primary school teacher trying to survive in this planet. Life's already as tough, why focus and spend so much thought on it when you can ramble on nonsense in cyberspace and perhaps, if you are lucky, bring a smile to an old friend who came to check up on your life? Life's short, love God and party on! Reminded again yesterday by my darling of the importance of specific prayer. No promises I'll stick to it but I'm going to try. By the way, Piper, I just read the article on Alfian being rejected by the ministry we are working for. I am simply not surprised by their stupidity and lame (my kids taught me the meaning of this word. Apparently this word is so apt and useful in this context) excuse. I quote, "In line with generally accepted human resource practices, we do not reveal specific details pertaining to the applications of individuals to be teachers." Poet rejected as relief teacher ~ Straits Times (Dated 12 June 2007) Better yet, "only those that best meet the organisation's requirements will be considered for appointment." I say pick up a pebble from the ground, walk into a staff room in any school, randomly throw the pebble and I'm darn sure the possibility of it hitting someone 'meeting the organisation's requirements' but is actually so much less deserving is 100%. I never knew I was so qualified in possessing the essentials that the ministry is looking out for. Oh before I forget, I did not happen to win any Young Artist Award. Labels: Serious Rambling
Saturday, June 09, 2007 Blogging this after a night out with the gals. Elison came back this week and we managed to catch each other over dinner @ Timbre, thanks to joan who originally wanted to catch some Mexican-band-of-sorts (even the owner couldn't pronounce the band name) play live. Was at first a bit miffed when I was told I am way too skinny and need to get my weight back etc (still trying to get used to it). It started to disturb me when these following people starts talking about it as if I'm an anorexic girl: 1) This takes the cake man. The coffeeshop auntie near my school started rambling about how much weight I've lost and that it must be due to pressure. Gave me a mini talk on how using the brains for work would be more draining than the manual work she was doing, so I better take care and pump up on the tonics. She's a sweet lady, but the audience she wasaddressing that day seemed to be the entire lunch-time crowd at the coffeeshop besides me. 2) Elison. A good gauge I suppose at how much I've lost since she hasn't seen me in months. Still...and she did a physical probe. She actually poked my collar bones and felt the bones beneath. Experiment done and null hypothesis proven true: I AM SKINNY. 3) The gals. Comments started pouring in about the need to take tonics, what to eat, etc. I love them... What made it worse was the fact that I felt faint on my way to the washroom. Hmm, faint is an understatement. My ears were totally blocked and my vision was pixelated. The ground was shaking and I couldn't stand straight up. This, I know, was not the usual 'high' due to the beer. It came in waves. After resting on the steps next to the washroom with Deb, it was much better, till I managed to get out of the restaurant, when the next wave hit. I had to take another breather on the kerb at the carpark. The following mini one hit while I was waiting for the cab. Speculations about the cause of my condition arose and it was interesting to hear the conflicting schools of thought. Thankfully, I didn't stumble out of the cab, presumably having sat down throught out the journey really helped put bearings back in my head. Even managed to cook instant noodles to quell the rumbling tummy, while I surfed for a medical reason. This is indeed a great site, complete with 3D imaging of the human body and you get to check and click the parts of the body affected etc. Incredible! Anyway, 20 conditions came up in my search. One of them is anaemia, which is term I recognised, besides ear infection and allergic reaction. So, no tumours in the brain! Hurray! This is where I'll be going for my short getaway. Okay, this is the best picture I can find on the website. I am eagerly anticipating green waters, because you usually get disappointed when you are there right on the ground. Still, one can always hope. Sometimes I think procrastiantion ain't all bad. My relunctance to do work the last few days managed to get me: 1) Tickets to King Lear - managed to settle everything including finding someone and getting confirmation via MSN in one sitting. Shu's gonna reprimand me again if she knew I'm paying 200 bucks for it. Well, it's Ian Mckellen, you know, better known as Magneto in X-men and Gandalf in LOTR. 2) Confirming tickets to Nathan Hartono's gig. Who's he? 15-year-old ACS boy who can truly sing, though still rather raw. Plus point too as he's cute. Anymore description and I'll truly feel like a paedophile. Gosh. Hear him to believe it. 3) Catch-up sessions with Siao cb and Huishan. Truly long-awaited ones. Do you know that Singapore ranks 131 out of 178 countries in the happiness index? We truly are an unhappy bunch of people! Just as I feel I'm one in the melancholic, you-dun-understand-me, pensive club, this other lady on tv wins hands-down. A lyricist, she describes being unhappy even though she's married with kids and has been winning awards for her songs. I can't complain about my life man. Not with her around. Hmm I don't seem to be much happier either...My index. Labels: Ramblings
Tuesday, June 05, 2007 Chanced upon this movie on HBO with the weirdest name: The Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants. Story revolves around 4 teenaged girls who were friends since birth and miraculously found this pair of jeans that could fit all 4 of them 0f varying shape and size. They decided to each wear the pair for a week and pass it on to the next person. Talk abt sharing! Was so watchable that I spent the entire 2 hours on it. What touched me was this girl Tibby, who thought the whole world was screwed up and refused to open up nor reveal any emotions so as not to be vulnerable. Till she met a lil girl Bailey who touched her heart and made her feel for people. Reminds me a little of myself when I try to stay away and not get close to people in case I become weak and reliant on others. The need to depend on people or be emotionally connected.
nadir...loves Big Guy, dad-mum-sis-bro-granz, donkey, audz-ben-abby-shalom,
plugged to donkey's ipod in the cararchives 11/01/2002 - 12/01/2002 links Audz taggie
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