< Muse.Zings >

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Just woke up from a rare 8 pure hours of sleep after so long. Even the night before, as short as the sleep was (think it was only 4 hours), my mind was so active that I had a nightmare. Wanted to take MC ever since Mon, more so on Fri because of the headache and whatever aches all over the body. Nightmare was about someone scolding me for taking MC, saying how can I do that etc etc. And I know who that person is...speaking in her usual angry loud tone. This is truly making history for me.

Symptoms of depression include:

Loss of interest in normal daily activities (Checked)
Feeling sad or down (Checked)
Feeling hopeless (Checked)
Crying spells for no apparent reason (Checked)
Problems sleeping (So far only on Fri)
Trouble focusing or concentrating (Checked)
Difficulty making decisions (Checked)
Unintentional weight gain or loss (Nope)
Irritability (Checked)
Restlessness (Checked)
Being easily annoyed (Checked)
Feeling fatigued or weak (Checked)
Feeling worthless (Idea is slowly seeping in...)
Loss of interest in sex (No chance)
Thoughts of suicide or suicidal behavior (Not yet)
Unexplained physical problems, such as back pain or headaches (Checked but prob due to flu)

I don't know if it is all due to the lingering flu bug in my body that this week tops the list of all misery. Irony is as much as I need to spend time with God, I seem to be unable to cough up the time.


Elise @ 9:01 AM | comment link here

Friday, March 14, 2008

Been so busy marking the exam scripts that I have been oblivious to the seemingly lil tragedies happening around this no loner sunny but terribly rainy island.

Tragedy 1: Mas Selamat's Escape (More of a boo-boo)
Been enjoying hilarious podcasts about the escaped convict on Mr Brown. Aside from laughing at the utter silliness of the entire incident, I can't help but think he's long gone, shaking legs at some remote Indonesian island, slurping a pina colada. Hmm, that is the holiday I had wanted this March! Geez!

Tragedy 2: Accident @ TPE
The mere image of the crushed Starlet is enough to send shudders down my spine. Think about the poor driver inside the wrecked crumpled heap...I promise to drive safely and try not to be wedged between a bus and a lorry. Who knows perhaps my lil Ang Gu Kueh cannot take it as well.

Tragedy 3: Singaporeans displaying 'national pride' by NOT donating to a PRC's cause
We used to pride ourselves on our generosity, and many countries have cited us as examples to follow. Now, it seems if you are a mugger, speaks in a foreign Chinese accent and wear rather dowdy clothes, you are therefore not eligible for donations. I must admit I was once there, one who shrugs my shoulders and cringe when one of them tries to speak. Now, even during my Masters course, there's even a lady beside me who takes photos of tutor's slides and materials (paper) using her trusty digital camera. Last time I recalled, she even asked me to lend her the notes that I had randomly jotted down (in the brief moments I had been listening to the tutor). If she is ever sick, I will be more than glad to give a helping hand, I mean a bundle of helpful dollars.

Tragedy 4: Rainy days when you need to work
We should have a new ruling: no work to be done during stormy weather and all to cuddle up in bed to stay warm. That should refuse the number of accidents happening. Even thinking about driving in the rain makes me tired.

Tragedy 5: A to-do list that never ends in a holiday that is fast counting down
No explanation needed. I guess we all can relate to this.


Elise @ 9:22 AM | comment link here


nadir...loves Big Guy, dad-mum-sis-bro-granz, donkey, audz-ben-abby-shalom, mich, piper, sleepydog, yina, david, shue, mich c, smelly...

Can't do without my iriver, guitars, folksy singers, soulful jazz, linkin park, corrine may, jars of clay, sonic flood, tom yum kung, green tea...bascially music and food move me.

plugged to

donkey's ipod in the car


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